Hello friends,
a couple of days ago I received my Orange PI PC and am pretty impressed so far!
What I understand so far is:
1. When the device is plugged it, the LEDs on the LAN port light up and it starts.
2. The Power LED only lights up when a working system is booted because it is software controlled.
This can be confirmed by "echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/red_led/brightness" to turn it off (or 0 to turn it on)
3. When I shutdown the booted Armbian with shutdown -h now, the device turns off:
First the LAN LEDs go dark, at last the Power LED.
Now, if I want to turn it on again, the PWR button does nothing.
I have to dis- and reconnect the DC plug.
I noticed that pressing and releasing the button increases (from /proc/interrupts) the counts of
irq3 (sunxi_gpio_irq_chip gk_EINT) and
irq77 (GIC PL)
for CPU0 by 1 each, so a short press increases those by 2.
Now, my questions:
1. What use is the power button, as it appears only to be an interrupt/software event usable when the system is running?
Maybe for sleeping / waking up a correctly configured kernel?
2. Is there any other way to turn on the OPI PC after shutting it down? Always having to pull/plug in power appears pretty inconvenient to me.
Thanks for your help 
Greets, Lutz