Just recieved my Pi PC2 today, and burned an SD with the Debian XFCE Image, but I get nothing.
There is power flowing through the unit as my USB hub with my keyboard and mouse attached has an LED that is lighting up, but nothing on the board, no signs of life at all..
Any advice? Should I be doing something different from the usual plug in HDMI, Network.USB then 5v power unit (PSP unit)? Hi,
Firstly I would check the voltage at the 5V rail: connect pin 2/4 (5V) and pin 6 (ground) to a voltmeter. If the voltage drops below 5V try a different power supply. As far as I understand you use a USB hub and if that has no external power supply it mostlikely only deliver 500mA which is to low. Many people reported that psp power supplies work.
If you checked that and have sorted that you can concentrate on the image. I have only a PI PC and cannot help with that, but other made suggestions 