Hi makama80,
First of all thanks for posting and voting. Unfortunately I see that you've voted "no", and this certainly does not help us in the initial testing/programming process as long as we need at least 70% of positive votes to be able to obtain a OrangePI sample and start the project. I hope that after debating your post and giving some more information we can change the overall vision of it.
I must admit that I don't have the same brewing experience, but I've previously worked with Arduino and I program quite frequently on c# and came across a big challenge:
- A colleague had a traditional brewing system (Based on a HERMS system, with 4kW resistor and 70 liter pots)
- I get across a development board called "OrangePi" that looked nice, but there weren't any interesting projects for it.
After talking with him about the project, he showed interest in the chance of automating some processes of the actual system, that where merely mechanical/electrical, and add some intelligence to the whole process. That's how the idea came.
The initially planned PIDS are solid state relays with it's temperature probe and regulator which will be governed by OrangePI using it's GPIO.
We don't intend to use a gas heater to control the temperature, as you've stated it's expensive and our initial goal is, at least, design something functional with it's limitations.
Thank you for posting! 