my idea is to use a opi to control a home built combined CNC machine / 3D printer. i have yet to receive my opi mini2 so i have not been able to test whether it can send pulses to the stepper drivers fast enough.the machine is designed to switch "tools", milling spindle, 3D printing hot-end, laser for cutting/engraving.
thanks! things are getting moving finally! all hardware programming is basically done, just tcp-server left. Failed to realize that i needed to attach a heat sink on the orangepi, but a few standoff pillars and it will be fine. although it has never reached soc temperatures over 45 degrees celcius so far..
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i have actually built the machine already, and all software for calculating tool paths and stepper timings is also done. so i am basically just (anxiously) waiting for my opie to arrive!
the pcb got etched today! unfortunately i can only etch double sided boards in my kitchen.. when this board is finished then these pcb's will get milled instead of chemically etched
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my design is pretty different from most of those home built machines available on the internets. because the spindle motor is very heavy (especially since it is water cooled) i decided it better to have the portal/gantry bolted down instead of having it move across the table like in most designs. not only does it help with stability but also a number of other benefits. this is the 3d model of my machine.
it is constructed out of standard upe steel beams and sheet steel. in retrospect though, i should have used a higher guage sheet steel... but it works for my usage so far!
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