OK, so we have 2 versions:1. Due to insufficient power suply the board can't go on with boot, and presumably only non-armbian images somehow cause higher power comsumption.
2. Wrong SD image burn procesure which creates SD card with no proper boot loader.
As for power supply I use 5V 2A USB PS and I will check how stable it is, thanks for this assumption.
I would say I'm not 100% sure this is the reason because low voltage could make it unstable (e.g. when doing heavy calculations in armbian), but I does not seem plausible that one image consumes more power than another. Anyway worth to check.
I also assume that burn procedure is the cause of the problem, but on the other side I have tried it under windows with Win32DiskImager and under linux using two different computers and as I said before two different SD cards.
Win32DiskImager provides no options to tune, and in linux I have used dd with bs=4M and without it with the same result.
Power issue is not the case here as computer probably have enough power to write to the card and card filesystem is readable after the burn.
What I have noticed is that Armbian file system is different from other distributives. Armbian makes one partition and other distros from this site make two partitions: one named BOOT with bootloader probably and another one with linux files.
I believe that partition configurations or BOOT partition content have some kind of issues causing boot process to fail.
In order to confirm or reject this version, first I would like to ask dear readers of this forum: is there an alive eyewitness of debian distro from this web site working properly on Orange PI PC2?
Tina, I think you are one of those how have working distros from this web side, right?