Hello, guys!
I'm really new to Orange Pi Plus 2 (but some years ago I played with Raspberry model B, then I've bought an Orange Pi Plus 2, which seems interesting, but I had no free time to play with it), so I want to ask you a couple of questions:
1) I know, that orange Pi Plus 2 has an overheating problem, which can cause damage to chip and to board. So, I decided to place a cooler, but the problem is that it doesn't cover all the chips: only CPU, and a half every DRAM chip. So, is it OK? How should I pose the heatsink? What should it cover?
And should I cool the EMMC and SATA chips?
2) Is there any pre-installed OS in the onboard EMMC storage of Orange Pi Plus 2? What should show LED'S? (My board turns red led on, then blinks with green, turns of the green and turns on the red). Monitor displays Allwinner LOGO.
3) When the board in the state, so monitor shows allwinner logo, what does it mean? Does it have configuration setup (like BIOS)?
4) Is there any CPU overheat protection, while even the OS hadn't booted yet? Isn't it dangerous to power it on for ~5 minutes without the heatsink/cooler?
5) What is the logic level of Debug UART? 5V or 3.3V?
6) What the USB-OTG port can be used for? It means, that I could plug a USB-flash disk (through the OTG-adapter) to use the OPI as HOST and if i plug it to my PC, will the Orange Pi Plus 2 work as a DEVICE? Or what does it mean "USB OTG Port" on Orange Pi Plus 2?
Yes, I know, that I had to ask these questions earlier, when I acquired my Pi and to search the forum for answers. But sorry, I couldn't find the full answers to every question (maybe, because I didn't have the time - I forgot about that board for more than a month).
And yeah, thanks to everybody, who'll answer me! 