Edited by Tina at 2016-12-7 15:22
bhgv replied at 2016-5-29 01:53
write "ttl usb converter" on aliexpress or ebay. they cost ~$1-2. but note that some converters (cp1202 based) are not supported by win10 (solution: do not use windows 10)
or you can search old usb->phone cables. part of them were based on usb->ttl_com converter chips.
3,3v! not 5v!
Just to make sure for someone who never has used a TTL to USB adapter:
For a CP2102 based TTL to USB adaper like this one CP2102 you have 5 pins: 5V, GND, TX, RX and 3V3.
On the OPI PC you have the the DEBUG/J3 connector with pin1 GND, pin2 RX and pin3 TX.
Is it correct to connect the adapter with just the 3pins (GND,RX and TX)?
On the Silicon Labs page (link) you find drivers for WinCE/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10, MacOSX, Linux and android.
For people who just use windows I would sugest to use a tool like PuTTY to connect to the USB/TTL adapter.
Better would be to use a Linux OS to get started with the OPI, as the OPI is a Linux device anyway.
I am still waiting on the delivery of my OPI PC and I will do a detailed how to connect with a USB/TTL adapter with windows and linux for noobs
