Edited by rodolfo at 2016-3-1 22:06
Ciao caro fritz ( Oktoberfest ? )
I currently live in Switzerland and unfortunately I am used to making things go right. Chinaware arrives within 2-3 weeks,
but zhao_steven (Xunlong?) did not ship the stuff 'til today ( 25 days after accepting payment ).
In the meantime I found out that there is zero support besides the desperate bunch of good souls developping
the development of the development boards at sunxi, armbian and the like. If this guy zhao_steven just had a tiny
bit of intelligence, he would support you guys to the max and profit like hell.
I bought the OPI ONEs for the advertised specs, which looked very promising for the price. With proper support from the
vendor the board could be a riot. I'll keep bitching untill the vendor and Allwinner come to their senses.
Thanks for your kind words and keep up the good work ! 