i got inspiration for doing my gpio from majsi's Small GPIO lib. i would not recommend driving LED's directly from the GPIO though, like in the video.. in my opinion, you should use a bjt or mosfet.
You can turn gpio on and off from the command line. The wiringpi examples do not work as wiringpi has not been translated for OPI. To do it from the command line:
sudo echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio_sw/PA1/data
turns on pin 11
sudo echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio_sw/PA1/data
Turns off pin 11
You can also turn on\off the board leds this way. Search the forum. You need to have the sunxi stuff loaded.
yes you can drive leds directly from the gpio header, and for a test it can be ok (if you know what you are doing!). just saying it is bad practise, you should have a buffer / line driver / transistor..
a) I have entered "sudo echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio_sw/PA1/data" in terminal and it prompted
orangepi@OrangePI:~$ sudo echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio_sw/PA1/data
bash: /sys/class/gpio_sw/PA1/data: No such file or directory
b) I thought that i could check the result without connecting led nor resistence by simulating gpio with command "gpio readall"