Edited by Vlad at 2016-7-18 12:31
web app is smoothly animated, supports wide range of browsers, including builtin browsers at many-years-old mobile devices. Also it disables gauges when Orange Pi is down.
Building moved to github: https://github.com/devizer/h3control-bin
Important update: 1.22.542. It fixes wierd rare incomplete initialization of dashboard during loading.
All updates are went to github. please follow link above.
Latest announce - UPDATE 21
- Improoved response of frequency comtrol - gauges are updated immediately in response to click|tap on frequency. Intervals of refresh extended to 10 sec.
- Dashboard is redesigned. All the widgets of dashboard fit on a tablet 1024x768 or above.
- Dashboard in disabled state (when orange pi is down) is also redesigned.
- Added swap utilization column to the list of the top memory usage list
- Added sorting choice for top processes list
- Fixed permissions inside h3control.tar.gz
- Fixed launcher (h3control-console.sh)
- Building moved to github
UPDATE 19 (1.19.386)
- LESS colors, LESS gradients, LESS blur
- Added preliminary top process list
UPDATE 18 (1.18.310)
- In ./h3control-install-daemon.sh script fixed support of Fedora and OpenSUSE.
- Added info about mono and OS into logs.
- Added logging: log are writing into /var/tmp/h3control.logs/, /var/log/h3control.logs/ or /tmp/h3control.logs depending on permissions to that folder. h3control automatically trims own old logs.
- Added optional password protection of changing frequency. Screenshot: h3control_v1.17_readonly_mode. How Dow do we do it? First, encrypt password:
- > ./h3control-console.sh -g=mySecret
- 7D018BB3DF0E523692845AF1F27E992CE8A41650
Copy code Note, space before command above causes shell to eliminate tha command from the history. By this way clear password will be stored nowhere. Finally, add parameter -p=7D018BB3DF0E523692845AF1F27E992CE8A41650 to h3control-console.sh or /etc/init.d/h3control daemon. For example:
- >./h3control-console.sh -p=7D018BB3DF0E523692845AF1F27E992CE8A41650 -b=*:5000
Copy code Without -p option behavior is the same as prev version - anybody from white-list, or anybody, could change frequency of an Orange PI
UPDATE 16 (1.16.255)
- Server side redesigned. Samart cache improoved according to best practice recommendations (if-modified-since, etag).
- UI wasn't changed, Ctrl-F5 is still required after upgrade.
- [1.16.256] Cache of js and css was agressively improoved in comparision with 1.16.255
- Added bug: Icons for mobile browsers were lost. Fixed in 1.16.260
UPDATE 15 (1.15.239)
- Added 'Rate Me' and version number on the dashboard. Five Stars are welcome 
UPDATE 14 (1.14.225)
- Added Memory Usage (Ctrl-F5). Compatiblity with old IE on Windows XP restored.
- CPU Usage bar was rearranged
- Warning: IE on Windows XP isnt supported since 1.12 Sorry for that. Please use Chrome or Firefox on Windows XP
UPDATE 11 (1.11.180)
- Improved UI perfomance (Ctrl-F5). Owners of old smartphones/tablets should prize this update 
UPDATE 10 (1.10.172)
- Added update speed selector: 0.5s, 1s, 2s or 5s
UPDATE 9 (1.9.166)
- Dependencies (jquery, bootstrap) moved from the internet to h3control distribution. So h3control app works without the internet since 1.9.166
UPDATE 8 (1.8.151):
- Added CPU usage bar. (Ctrl-F5)
- Fixed CPU usage bar for old IE (1.8.161)
UPDATE 7 (1.7.116):
- Fixed the vaule of the DDR RANGE
- Added web app icons for mobile & desktop browsers
- Added H3 icon for desktop and mobile browsers
- Added versioning during build. Current version is 1.6.102.
- Added h3control-install-daemon.sh to the tarball, default deployment path of the daemon is $HOME/bin/h3control
- Improved handling of
- /etc/init.d/h3control stop
Copy code
- Added 60 Mhz choice of a frequency
UPDATE 4: Added command line parameters of http server and ip's white-list configuration:
- -b, --binding=VALUE HTTP binding, e.g. ip:port, default is *:5000
- -w, --white-list=VALUE Comma separated IPs, default or empty arg turns restrictions off
- -v, --version Show version
- -h, -?, --help Display this help
- -n, --nologo Hide logo
Copy code
- Control CPU frequency
UPDATE 2: Added user defined limits of CPU & DDR frequency
P.S. without registration on the forum, the inlined images are unavailable. here is a link to screenshot: h3control v1.21 screenshot
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