are there any Linux images for the OrangePi Plus available with a more uptodate Kernel than the 3.4x? The armbian vanilla kernel 4.2.3 doesn't seem to work on the OrangePi+. I need a minimum 3.7 as I need to attach a STK1160 based USB stick, whose driver a part of the 3.7 kernel upwards. (And I have no experiance to compile a kernel by myself)
Capture devices with this chip works with kernel 3.4.39. You must only compile module 'easycap.ko' and add in modules. This is working module from loboris sourcess. Try copy in /libs/...kernel version.../kernel/drivers/staging/media/easycap/easycap.ko
execute: depmod -a (from root or su).
thanks a lot for your support. A first quick try wasn't successful (version conflict error on boot). I could post a logfile later. Maybe it would be easier to know, which image works with this module, so I can reinstall the OP+.
Loboris kernel sourcess:
My hardware is OrangePi PC with Debian 8 Jessie. I have compiled kernel version but for OrangePI 2, mini, PC.
If you use upgraded kernel Lobiris version (after execution '') you have another kernel with same number - 3.4.39.
I don't know where are sourcess for it.
I can confirm, that the installation of the driver worked the way you described. Thanks for that.
At the weekend I will test, if the driver is working.....
on PC:
Edit and set
select your board, default kernel.
in kernel configuration:
device drivers -> multimedia support -> video for linux change (space) from "*" to "M", save and exit
copy kernel 3 debs (u-boot no need) from output dir to orange pi and upgrade (dpkg -i *)
on Orange PI:
(start is the same)
wget ... rts-3.18.1-1.tar.xz
tar xvfJ backports-3.18.1-1.tar.xz
cd backports-3.18.1-1
make menuconfig
select only STK1160
and now little hack:
in file compat/backport-3.10.c remove get_random_int function (line 35-44)
make ARCH=arm
make install
depmod -a
modprobe STK1160