Edited by worakorn at 2015-12-23 07:13
I'm novice one, Some step may not make sense 
1. Install 64bit version of Ubuntu on the virtual machine (amd64)
2. Install 'git-core', 'build-essential', 'u-boot-tools', 'libncurses5-dev'
3. Clone loboris repo. 'git clone https://github.com/loboris/OrangePI-Kernel'
4. I cut a new gen_check_code from http://moinejf.free.fr/opi2/kernel-3.4.patch (I attached gen_check_code at the attachment part) 5. Compile it 'gcc -o gen_check_code gen_check_code.c' and copy to 'YourPATH/OrangePI-Kernel/linux-3.4/arch/arm/mach-sunxi/power/brom/' and 'YourPATH/OrangePI-Kernel/linux-3.4/arch/arm/mach-sunxi/pm/standby'
6. Install 32bit library that toolchain needed.
- dpkg --add-architecture i386
- apt-get update
Copy code I install these packages- gcc-5-base:i386
- libc6:i386
- libc6-dev:i386
- libc6-dev-i386
- libc6-i386
- libgcc1:i386
- libgpm2:i386
- libncurses5:i386
- libtinfo5:i386
- linux-libc-dev:i386
- zlib1g:i386
- zlib1g-dev:i386
Copy code don't forget ":i386"
7. Goto OrangePI-Kernel, run
Change anything you like, and don't forget to save before you exit
8. Run the compile script (
- ./build_scripts.sh 2 ## 2 - is for OPI2 and OPI-PC
Copy code
9. Take a cup of coffee, have breakfast or whatever you want until the compile process complete. If Error please check 'kbuild_2_.log'
10. After the kernel built, run
to create script.bin for your OPI-PC
11. Check your 'YourPATH/OrangePI-Kernel/build', Files 'uImage_OPI-2' and 'script.bin.OPI-PC*' should be existed.
12. Copy those files into your SD-Card
13. Boot to the system with your new uboot image. For the first boot many modules will failed because of mismatch kernel and modules version. I solved this issue and get the whole source code to my OPI-PC
- tar cvzf orangepi.tgz YourPATH/OrangePI-Kernel/
Copy code transfer the tar'ed file to your OPI-PC and unpack it. Navigate to 'OrangePI-Kernel/linux-3.4/output/lib' and copy everything to your '/lib' on OPI-PC
14. Run 'depmod -a 3.4.39-01-lobo' and reboot the OPI-PC
15. After the OPI-PC boot up. go to '/lib/modules/3.4.39-01-lobo', fix the soft linked files 'source' and 'build' to the correct path.
- rm -f source build
- ln -s YOURPATH/OrangePI-PC/linux-3.4 build
- ln -s YOURPATH/OrangePI-PC/linux-3.4 source
Copy code 16. Download RT2800 from Mediatek 'http://www.mediatek.com/en/downloads1/downloads/rt8070-rt3070-rt3370-rt3572-rt5370-rt5372-rt5572-usb-usb/', You get '
DPO_RT5572_LinuxSTA_2.6.1.3_20121022.tar.bz2', unpack it!
17. Install some compiler on your OPI-PC
- apt-get -y install gcc make
Copy code ***If you get compile error in the future, Please try to install the missing.
18. To prevent the error, Please go to 'YOURPATH/OrangePI-Kernel/linux-3.4' after that, 'make clean' and 'make modules_prepare' to prevent 'modpost' and 'recordmcount' make your compile failed.
19. Go to your unpacked RT Driver in step 16 . Edit os/linux/config.mk
Copy code 20. Do compile your driver. Many warnings appeared don't be panic.
21. 'depmod -a 3.4.39-01-lobo' again and edit your '/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf'
- blacklist rt2800usb
- blacklist rt2800lib
- blacklist rt2x00usb
- blacklist rt2x00lib
Copy code 22. Reboot your system and use 'dmesg' to verify the new driver loaded.
23. Turn the radio on with
24. Try to connect the WIFI by using NetworkManager
If the WIFI works well, you will see some access points around you.
25. Enjoy!
Some questions:
Q: Why I install 64 bit version of Ubuntu
A: Last time, the error of 'gen_check_code' and can't fix, no source code. Until I got the alternative version of it with source code but it take a time to re-install the system.
Q: How long that I use to make it work?
A: Around 1 week
Pre-Compiled with RT2x00 Driver: http://cloudbox.3bb.co.th/share3/MTYwMzV8ZDYzNjhlYjFhZGEwMTQ2ZmJhYmVlNDBlNzlmM2I0ZTR8MzE1MDg5
Pre-Compiled with MT7601u Driver: http://cloudbox.3bb.co.th/share3/MTYwMzl8MDA5ZDY5ZDJkMWI5ODY4MTVlN2I4MjUzODJkNzNhZjV8MzE1MDg5
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