I have tried both Ubuntu and Debian with the same result when trying to install Retroarch + EmulationStation or RetroPie, I am missing some of the graphics drivers that due to my inexperience in Linux I am not able to solve.
In Ubuntu I was able to install the graphic environment but I did not manage much.
In RetroPie it does not detect the platform and I tried it with generic-x11, armv7 and rpi3.
you can't get it working there's no mali t720 driver in 5.0.4 kernel and never will , as i wrote in another thread the opi3 is totally useless in linux for any multimedia or emulation stuff
jurjur replied at 2019-4-1 00:47
so, I have the orangepi 3 with android with retroarch + arcbrowser running full games. (android is n ...
I've that running too, no android is not linux, it runs linux kernel but it is a different os , so we are basically screwed for Retrorange , no mali drivers no party ;)
jurjur replied at 2019-4-1 17:34
In the version of Armbian for Orange Pi 3 of ubuntu I was able to install the graphic environment de ...
yep x11 works , basic desktop works , it's like using windows without installing your gfx drivers, desktop works, anything using 3d video acceleration doesn't
I have an orange pi3 with factory android installed.
I set my language in androi from Chinese.
I don't have google play installed and I can't install from USB.
how do I install retrorch?
thank you