Orange Pi 3G-IOT with MT6572 is going to release soon! There are 2 versions in different memory size: 256MB DDR2+512MB EMMC and 512MB DDR2+ 4GB EMMC
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Here you go:
fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
d 1 # (delete 2TB partition)
w # (Write it)
fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
p # remember start sector of partition 4: 113152
# /dev/mmcblk0p4 113152 2210303 2097152 1G 83 Linux
d 4 # (delete partition 4)
F # (Show unallocated space)
n # (Create new partition)
# First sector here: 113152
w # (Write it)
resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p4
# enjoy
Cool an other product unusable as you (as manufacturer) is unable to supply valid images for main OS (don't tell me the crap archive you supply are OSes, it's just such a mess and missing so many basic features in it !!). How can you release products without any support like that ??
Do we have the schematics/datasheet/pin diagrams ? does this support jtag ? what about camera and LCD, i can see connectors, does it have its own camera and LCD ?