Edited by damo503 at 2019-9-19 05:34
I can confirm that this method work on OPI PC Plus with android 7.0 Beta from http://www.orangepi.org/downloadresources/
thanks n2rayr, I needed to make some changes to make it work, this the method that I used, I hope that it can help to someone too
(you can break your device, used it on your own responsability)
On Opi Pcplus
Boot your Orange Pi Pc PLus with android 7.0 Beta installed
donwload and install magik manager from XDA repo https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/releases/
Turn on Settings -> Developer options -> USB0 device mode enable
On your pc with windows 10
If you don't have adb Android SDK plataform-tools donwload it for example from https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/adb?hl=es-419
unzip it and paste all the files where you want for example C:\tools
Connect your OPi PC PLus from otg usb port to your computer
open cmd as admin
type "cd \" to go to C:\
type "cd tools" or somewhere you have the adb tools (in my case C:\tools)
Type "adb shell" to get in the android terminal
Type "dd if=/dev/block/by-name/boot of=/sdcard/boot.img" to dump boot.img for Magisk
Type "exit" to get out of shell
Type "adb pull /sdcard/boot.img" to copy the boot.img out
now you have boot.img on your pc in the directory c:\tools,
keep one copy of the file in your pc if you want for some reason unroot your device
Now put boot.img into USB stick and put the stick on your Opi PCPlus
On Opi Pcplus
Open Magisk manager apk and click on the first "Install" and select "INSTALL" again , then select "patch Boot Image File"
Choose the boot.img from USB then wait until it shows done
when magisk show done, take note about route of the file patched, in my case /storage/emulated/0/download/magisk_patched.img
Now close Magisk and connect again if you unplug it your OPi PC PLus from otg usb port to your computer
On pc
Type in you cmd again "adb shell" to get in shell mode again
Type "dd if=/storage/emulated/0/download/magisk_patched.img of=/dev/block/by-name/boot" to write the boot.img back
Type "exit" once finished
Type "adb reboot" to reboot your board and wait that the Opi Pcplus boots again
Now it's rooted
