I just got the Orange Pi zero and wanted to use its otg port to emulate a keyboard.
I tried this with armbian but with no succsess.
I dont mind which os I do it on.
By defualt armbain had ther OTG serial enabled which worked fine.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance
Sorry there is no support for your question. Usually the OTG port is for powering the board, some customers have tried to power with the pin.
I would not suggest you enable the keyboard on OTG incase the pin has not enough power to supply the device.
abdullahseba from what I have found, https://github.com/armbian/build/issues/593 , there is a bug; I am also looking for HID otg layer; I want to use orange pi0 because they are hugely cheaper than rapsberry. I am digging the topic with a friend; I should come back in 2 or 3 days to give our results.