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RetroPie for OPi from Stevie Whyte

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Rank: 2

Published in 2016-5-26 03:19:38 | Show all floors |Read mode
Edited by Fleder at 2016-6-4 15:48

EDIT: The newest Version will always be in the newest post below.

Hi there,

i am just posting this here for Stevie Whyte, since he is not signed up here.
Hi Guys, Here is my version of retropie for Opi. It acts just like a fresh install of retropie . All configs are untouched, you will be asked to configure a controller in emulationstation. It will then be automatically configured for all emulators. Refer to the retropie wiki for default hotkeys. It also has kodi installed using mpv player as an external player, this gives kodi hw acceleration, v-sync and no more buggy sound You can select kodi from the emulationstation menu. samba shares for adding roms are active and Bluetooth controllers are also supported. retroarch has been patched so the mame coin button always works. Made from the pubuntu img
you will need a keyboard to navigate kodi (waiting for a 16.1 version with joystick support) Have a look here for mpv keys whilst playing a video.…/cheat-shee…/mpv-media-player/
You can use sudo fs_resize to expand fs.
user - pi
pass - pi
root - admin
As usual copy the correct script.bin etc for your board. This will work out the box with a opi One and opi pc
credit to Rajavelu Rg for Pubuntu, fritz for his mpv deb, Wang Matt for the RetroPie scripts and to Alerino Reis for his help and img.

Here is the download link:!6Y8wQLoa!hNTVi ... y94ZMjCeQl2NyheqVi8







Registered member

Rank: 2

 Author| Published in 2016-6-23 14:07:48 | Show all floors
Version 5.14 Beta 2 (armbian 5.14)
EDIT: 23/06/2016 Beta2 hotfix and img released (see below)
Hi guys, Alerino Reis and I have been working very hard these past few weeks on a new retropie for orangepi (RetrOrangePi). We now feel its time to release for testing.
It is now based on armbian 5.14 so we can take advantage of the faster gpu clock speed. It features the full armbian desktop which can be launched from Emulationstation.
ES and retroarch in framebuffer. Kodi in X11
Now that we are using a well maintained kernel we will be releasing future updates as simple scripts instead of full images.
Kodi has been updated to 17 Krypton (controller support added via qjoypad) mpv player is still external player for now.
Ps3 Bluetooth controllers, snes usb and xbox 360 controllers are supported out the box.
This has been tested on opi one and opi pc. other boards may work as well.
As this is a pretty huge leap, expect some minor or major bugs.
user - pi
pass - pi
root - orangepi

UPDATE-BETA2: changes:
Thanks to Édgar Mondragón @ for hosting and help
Apt fixes
Fixed keyboard support in Emulation Station
Added kodi joystick support via qjoypad (more details in link below)
Added kodi audio fix, Music and default player audio is now working, change output to sndhdmi in kodi audio settings.
Added kodi pvr.iptvsimple addon for pvr support (more info can be found in the kodi wiki
Updated SDL to 2.0.4 (Thanks Wang Matt)
Updated Emulation Station with our own splash screen.
Installed patched retroarch coin button fix
A few other small fixes.
To update an existing install please visit
Otherwise download beta2 img at the bottom of this post.
Beta2 img now has a fat boot partition so swapping script.bin for your board should be much easier for windows users.
qjoyapad info please visit
[url=EDIT: 23/06/2016 Beta2 hotfix and img released (see below) Hi guys, Alerino Reis and I have been working very hard these past few weeks on a new retropie for orangepi (RetrOrangePi). We now feel its time to release for testing. It is now based on armbian 5.14 so we can take advantage of the faster gpu clock speed. It features the full armbian desktop which can be launched from Emulationstation. ES and retroarch in framebuffer. Kodi in X11 Now that we are using a well maintained kernel we will be releasing future updates as simple scripts instead of full images. Kodi has been updated to 17 Krypton (controller support added via qjoypad) mpv player is still external player for now. Ps3 Bluetooth controllers, snes usb and xbox 360 controllers are supported out the box. This has been tested on opi one and opi pc. other boards may work as well. As this is a pretty huge leap, expect some minor or major bugs. user - pi pass - pi root - orangepi -------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE-BETA2: changes: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Édgar Mondragón @ for hosting and help ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apt fixes Fixed keyboard support in Emulation Station Added kodi joystick support via qjoypad (more details in link below) Added kodi audio fix, Music and default player audio is now working, change output to sndhdmi in kodi audio settings. Added kodi pvr.iptvsimple addon for pvr support (more info can be found in the kodi wiki Updated SDL to 2.0.4 (Thanks Wang Matt) Updated Emulation Station with our own splash screen. Installed patched retroarch coin button fix A few other small fixes. To update an existing install please visit Otherwise download beta2 img at the bottom of this post. Beta2 img now has a fat boot partition so swapping script.bin for your board should be much easier for windows users. qjoyapad info please visit Beta2 img will expand file system automatically on first boot. Please allow it to complete and reboot into ES. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Things to note: Slight tearing in ES menu. ● HOTKEYS  Select+Start → Exit Game Select+Right Shoulder → Save State Select+Left Shoulder → Load State Select+Right → Save Slot Increase Select+Left → Save Slot Decrease Select+X → RetroArch Menu Select+B → Reset Game Please report any bugs and we will try and get them fixed. Thanks BETA2…][/url]
Beta2 img will expand file system automatically on first boot. Please allow it to complete and reboot into ES.
Things to note: Slight tearing in ES menu.
Select+Start → Exit Game
Select+Right Shoulder → Save State
Select+Left Shoulder → Load State
Select+Right → Save Slot Increase
Select+Left → Save Slot Decrease
Select+X → RetroArch Menu
Select+B → Reset Game
Please report any bugs and we will try and get them fixed.
Download Link:







Registered member

Rank: 2

 Author| Published in 2016-5-28 17:47:43 | Show all floors
There is an Update to the old version above:
New Retropie for orange pi img. This is basically a hotfix release. Not too much has been changed.
added :
* Exploit fix for kernel.
* Auto mounting of usb devices
* xbox 360 controller drivers (you will still need to run retropi-setup to enable xboxdrv) You also need to reconnect the xbox controller after every boot for it to register.
*Full desktop with web browser can be launched from the emulationstation menu (see pic). Plus a few cosmetic changes.
user - pi
password - pi
root - admin
Alerino Reis and myself are working on a new version but i thought i would release this to help out some of the users. We will try and keep you guys updated with our progress.…/0B8Dh1_wAL84aUE9UMGhtZTVhW…/view…







Registered member

Rank: 2

 Author| Published in 2016-6-4 15:46:08 | Show all floors
Another Update from Stevie & Alerino:

Version 1.3
Here is an update for retropie for Opi. Ive added a few tweaks and cosmetics.
*patched the kernel exploit
*Added a desktop entry to emulationstation
*bluetooth controller support
*ps3 usb and bluetooth controller support
*xbox 360 controller support (you have to run the retropie-setup from the retropie menu and enable xboxdrv)
*changed N64 core from Alerino Reis img, thanks
*Thermal fixes from armbian (a heatsink and fan are recommended)
*Added retropie 3.8 theme updates
*kodi with mpv player as external player with hw acceleration
*samba shares for roms/bios/configs
Emulators are already installed, just add roms to the correct system folders via samba network share or from the desktop environment. After you have added roms restart emulationstation and they will show up.
All configs are untouched, you will be asked to configure a controller in emulationstation. It will then be automatically configured for all emulators.
you will need a keyboard to navigate kodi (waiting for a 16.1 version with joystick support)
kodi mpv player keyboard shortcuts ... s/mpv-media-player/
run sudo fs_resize to expand filesytem to fit your sd card on first boot
user - pi
pass - pi
root - admin

As usual copy the correct script.bin etc for your board. This will work out the box with a opi One.
Alerino Reis and myself are working on this trying to get the perfect setup. We will keep you updated with any progress we

Download Link:







Registered member

Rank: 2

 Author| Published in 2016-6-5 19:23:57 | Show all floors
Version 1.4
Here is an update for retropie for Opi. Ive added a few tweaks and cosmetics.
*patched the kernel exploit
*Added a desktop entry to emulationstation
*bluetooth controller support
*ps3 usb and bluetooth controller support
*xbox 360 controller support (you have to run the retropie-setup from the retropie menu and enable xboxdrv)
*changed N64 core from Alerino Reis img, thanks
*Thermal fixes from armbian (a heatsink and fan are recommended)
*Added retropie 3.8 theme updates
*kodi with mpv player as external player with hw acceleration
*samba shares for roms/bios/configs
UPDATE: v1.4
fixed multiple ps3 controllers not pairing and other ps3 bluetooth issues.
fixed black screen error.
fixed the launch script, it now works as it should.
fixed samba network share permissions.
remember to run sudo fs_resize on first boot
Emulators are already installed, just add roms to the correct system folders via samba network share or from the desktop environment. After you have added roms restart emulationstation and they will show up.
All configs are untouched, you will be asked to configure a controller in emulationstation. It will then be automatically configured for all emulators.
you will need a keyboard to navigate kodi (waiting for a 16.1 version with joystick support)
kodi mpv player keyboard shortcuts…/cheat-shee…/mpv-media-player/
run sudo fs_resize to expand filesytem to fit your sd card on first boot
user - pi
pass - pi
root - admin
As usual copy the correct script.bin etc for your board. This will work out the box with a opi One.
Alerino Reis and myself are working on this trying to get the perfect setup. We will keep you updated with any progress we
Download Link:








Rank: 1

Published in 2016-6-12 04:07:11 | Show all floors
i hope the guys can bring a full clone of retropie to orange pi, i downloaded the latest (1.4) and tested it on orange pi pc:

- couldn't pair Nitendo Wii U Pro controller via bluetooth, could do that on Raspberry pi with 3.8.1 retropie
- the usb wifi module wasn't detected, i know this wasn't built on top of Armbian, but the wifi module was working on Armbian 5.14
- having kodi with mpv player as external is a good idea, yet it is buggy (mpv or kodi i don't know !, the player won't stop a movie once played, had to kill it through terminal, and even though i hit ctrl+alt+F1, i could still see the movie playing on the terminal ? how on earth i don't know !

i had plans for having an all in one device with orange pi (running openhab, retropie + kodi), but for the time being, i'll just run console applications on orange pi, the whole GUI / GPU stuff on orange pi are half baked







Registered member

Rank: 2

 Author| Published in 2016-6-16 13:53:12 | Show all floors
Version 5.14.v3 (armbian 5.14)

Hi guys, myself and Alerino Reis have been working very hard these past few weeks on a new retropie for orangepi (RetrOrangePi). We now feel its time to release for testing.It is now based on armbian 5.14 so we can take advantage of the faster gpu clock speed. It features the full armbian desktop which can be launched from Emulationstation.
ES and retroarch in framebuffer. Kodi in X11
Now that we are using a well maintained kernel we will be releasing future updates as simple scripts instead of full images.
Kodi has been updated to 17 Krypton (controller support is not working yet, hopefully we will get this fixed very soon) And mpv player is still external player for now.
Ps3 Bluetooth controllers and xbox 360 controllers are supported out the box.
This has been tested on opi one and opi pc. other boards may work as well.
As this is a pretty huge leap, expect some minor or major bugs.
user - pi
pass - pi
root - orangepi

To resize file system, log in as pi and run
sudo ./ -p
It will reboot, log in again and run
sudo ./ -f
Things to note: Slight tearing in ES menu.
Please report any bugs and we will try and get them fixed.

Here is the download link:







Registered member

Rank: 2

Published in 2016-6-19 16:33:39 from mobile | Show all floors
Edited by Turmeric at 2016-6-19 16:40

Hallo Fleder,
thank you for this Image. I get a Blackscreen on my Orange Pi Plus 2 after booting. Armbian 5.14 works flawless for me. So I wonder why the new retropie version does not work. It can't connect with the ethernet, so maybe the hardware detection does not work properly.
Could you try to fix that problem?
Best regards







Intermediate member

Rank: 3Rank: 3

Published in 2016-6-21 21:16:15 | Show all floors
Turmeric replied at 2016-6-19 16:33
Hallo Fleder,
thank you for this Image. I get a Blackscreen on my Orange Pi Plus 2 after booting. Ar ...

it's set to Orange Pi One. You need to change to your board's specific script.bin







Registered member

Rank: 2

Published in 2016-6-22 04:25:55 from mobile | Show all floors
How can I change the script.bin file on Windows. Is that possible? I don't have a running Linux.







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Rank: 2

Published in 2016-6-22 20:41:55 | Show all floors
Hallo alerino,

I managed changing the script bin. Now ethernet is working, but I still get a black screen after boot. SSH is also working, so the system does not crash completely.
Thank you for your help.
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